Privacy at a glance — Canada

This page provides answers to some of the questions you may have about how CIBC collects, uses and shares your personal information. For a more detailed explanation of our privacy practices, visit the CIBC Canada Client Privacy Policy, Your Privacy is Protected.

Our privacy policy includes: 

By providing us with your personal information, you are consenting to the collection, use or sharing of your information as set out in our privacy policy.  

Our privacy policy may be updated from time to time to ensure we’re providing you with accurate and up-to-date details about how your personal information is being collected, used and shared. 

What is personal information?

  • Personal information means any information about an identifiable individual.
  • It can be in any form, including paper, electronic, audio, video or biometric such as voiceprints, photographs and signatures. This information can also include information collected through digital activities such as the device model, browser type and IP address.

For details, visit the “Important terms” section within our privacy policy.

What personal information does CIBC collect?

  • We usually collect the following types of information to help us understand more about you and serve you better: contact, identity, financial, transactional and other information.
  • Much of the information comes from you but we may also collect information from third parties such as credit bureaus, public records, or government agencies and registries.
  • We may also collect information by monitoring or recording your interactions with us, like telephone calls, video conferencing, online chats or other interactions with our websites and mobile sites. We use surveillance, including video recording, in and around our CIBC Banking Centres, bank machines, and other locations.

For details, visit the “What information do we collect?” section within our privacy policy.

How does CIBC use and share information?

  • We use and share your personal information to provide you with our products or services; to communicate with you; to offer you additional products or services, including targeted promotions; to personalize your experience with us, including by reviewing and analyzing your information; and to manage our business including our credit and other risks.
  • Specifically, we may also use and share information within CIBC, including with CIBC’s Canadian affiliates; with CIBC’s affiliates located outside of Canada; with credit bureaus; and with other parties in order to protect you and us from error, to prevent and detect criminal activity, and to meet our legal and regulatory obligations.
  • Depending on your products or services with us, we may share information with our program partners or with your joint account holders.

For details, visit the “How do we use and share information?” section within our privacy policy.

How does CIBC protect your information?

  • We take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from unauthorized use, sharing, loss or theft, and we audit our security measures and assess that they remain effective and appropriate.
  • Our employees that have access to your information are made aware of the importance of keeping it secure and confidential.
  • We use contracts and other measures with our service providers to maintain the confidentiality and security of your information and prevent it from being used for any other purpose other than that for which it was intended.

For details, visit  the “How do we protect your information?” section within our privacy policy.

What are my privacy choices?

You have control over how your personal information is collected, used or shared. For example, you may: 

  • Request that we do not use your Social Insurance Number (SIN) to assist in accurately identifying you when conducting credit bureau inquiries. 
  • Withdraw your consent to receive certain marketing communications for products and services of CIBC or CIBC Foreign Affiliates

Upon request and subject to certain exceptions, we will provide you with access to any personal information we hold about you. 

For details, visit the “What are my privacy choices?” section within our privacy policy.


We have steps you can follow if you have questions or concerns about your privacy.

For details, visit the “What if you have a privacy concern?” section within our privacy policy.

These highlights are for informational purposes only.

For full details about how CIBC collects, uses or shares personal information, refer to the CIBC Canada Client Privacy Policy, Your Privacy is Protected.